My intent with this was not to provide an opinion. I went into the research of this with a purely neutral view. It so happens that reputable people who deal with transgender justice issues professionally unilaterally agree with one side of this debate.
I did define both terms, I did not do either of them justice because I wanted this article to be less of a vocabulary session and more of an addressment of the matters at hand.
I am curious, however, as to why you think changing your sex is inherent to transgender identity. The term transgender was specifically created to form a designation away from "transsexual," which refers to a person who has changed or is trying to change their sex to better align with what societally is viewed as belonging to their gender.
I never said that any medical intervention is to be taken lightly, just that it should be more accessible for those who have assessed the consequences and decided that it is a logical next step for them.
I do not expect you to read this and think "oh, she is right and I am wrong," but I do want you to consider the intentions of my article rather than attacking the points associated with the internet's perception of the people who have a similar viewpoint to my own.